
  • Dodging the doodlebugs

    FUNNY how chance remarks can evoke memories. A couple of weeks ago Julian Cole opened his Pokmon card article with the admission that his memory of being 14 was rather fuzzy. But he did recall wearing a school cap, learning to play the guitar, thinking

  • Let the people know

    NOT for the first time you have used the phrase "a spokesman declined to comment" when covering a report about Samuel Smith's Old Brewery and developments in Tadcaster ('Brewery seeks appeal in Tadcaster market battle', May 22). There is no doubt that

  • Hospital cracks down on attacks against staff

    HOSPITAL managers alarmed by almost daily attacks on their staff have launched a new zero tolerance crackdown. Intimidation and aggression are constant problems for health workers at York District Hospital, who face everything from verbal abuse to vicious

  • Great hospital team

    THE NHS gets so much flak I decided to write to express my gratitude and appreciation of my own experience on Ward 28 at York District Hospital. Two months ago I fell and broke my hip. From arrival in casualty to departure home the care and service was

  • No more phone masts

    AS the Government investigates the health risk of mobile phone and telecommunication towers surely City of York Council should think twice before erecting yet another mast directly next to the existing one at the BT building at New Earswick. There are

  • Plagued by tour buses

    HOW many more open top buses do we have to put up with? They run up to ten months out of every year and past our windows every ten to 15 minutes. In summer all anybody wants to do is open their windows to let a bit of fresh air into their homes. Oh no

  • Truth beneath surface gloss on city schools

    HOWEVER gratifying OFSTED's report on the internal working of York's local education authority may appear, it cannot disguise the worrying fact that over the four years of the local education authority's existence, six of the city's 12 comprehensive schools

  • Sickening attacks

    ATTACKS on doctors and nurses are symptoms of a sick society. It is impossible to comprehend why patients would turn on their carers and subject them to violence and intimidation. Talk about biting off the hand that heals you. Yet violence is becoming

  • Appeal of the country party

    THE Countryside Party could bring a breath of fresh, country air into the stuffy world of British politics. It will certainly cause a stink in both the Labour and Tory hierarchies. The party has been created to give rural residents the voice that many

  • Happiness is so fleeting

    Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that we possess - or so the song goes. And across the country at the moment, there are few happier places than Bradford. Riding on the euphoria of Bradford City's knife-edge escape from relegation the city is awash

  • Lost child help scheme comes to shopping centre

    A NEW initiative is coming to York aimed at ending the nightmare faced by a parent who gets separated from their child in a busy shopping centre. The Safe Child Scheme, which quickly and safely reunites parent and child, is being launched by the Coppergate

  • Tuning in for huge live music festival

    YORK will become a musical cauldron for five days, when the York Live Music Festival 2000 starts tomorrow morning. Run as a companion celebration to BBC Music Live, and funded primarily by the City of York Council, the festival has been organised by York

  • Fares aren't fair say York cabbies

    TAXI regulators have been accused of ignoring their own formula which was designed to keep prices fair. City of York Council is meeting to consider more than 50 complaints from representatives of hackney carriage drivers that the equation to work out

  • Pipes and drums to aid appeal

    HOSPICE nurse Helen Foster put her lungs to the test when she grappled with a set of bagpipes. The staff nurse joined members of the City of York Pipe Band as they assembled at St Leonard's Hospice, in Tadcaster Road, York, to prepare for a spectacular

  • Pig farmers prepare for London protest

    DOZENS of Yorkshire pig farmers are expected to travel to London early next month to demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of Justice. More than 500 pig farmers from all over the country are planning to take part in the peaceful protest on Wednesday, June

  • Royal snub is a big yawn

    As limp controversies go, the one about the BBC snubbing the Queen Mother takes some beating. This disagreement is as droopy as old lettuce, but that doesn't stop the headlines massing. Now it is worth pointing out that these headlines took root in the

  • Gardeners may bid to buy plots in home fight

    ALLOTMENT gardeners who won their fight to keep their rented plots in Kirkbymoorside may now bid to buy them outright. North Yorkshire County Council wanted to sell the land to housing developers but an attempt to change the use of the land was rejected

  • Railway museum gets its Mountie

    A £4.2 MILIION facelift at the National Railway Museum at York was today shortlisted for a major national project management award. And as staff celebrated the news, Mountie Narc Dureau headed "due East" to the museum to launch a spectacular exhibition

  • Poppleton wanting new land

    A POPPLETON football team have marked the end of an era and the start of a new one. After ten years together the players who last season played in Poppleton Juniors Under-17 team bowed out of junior football with an end-of-season match against Poppleton's

  • Howarth joins United's ranks

    YORK City's rookie England goalkeeper Russ Howarth is linking up with Leeds United, the Evening Press can reveal. But the teenage shot stopper is not deserting Bootham Crescent in a dramatic big money move to Elland Road. Instead, the 18-year-old is going

  • Guns 'n' kids don't mix

    NOT far from our Walmgate offices, on the corner with St Denys Road, is the unofficial fly-poster capital of York. This colourful collection of adverts certainly livens up what would otherwise be just another dilapidated shop, and acts as an unofficial

  • You won't believe this...

    Holidaying in Passignano beside Lake Trasimeno, an idyllic setting in the Umbria region of Italy, is probably one of the last places you would expect to see Victor Meldrew (Richard Wilson) - the eccentric old grouch of the BBC series, One Foot In the

  • You're so wrong, Jack

    WHAT on earth is Home Secretary Jack Straw thinking of by letting boxer Mike Tyson into Britiain for yet another fight? Mr Straw's lame excuse is that we would lose a lot of money were the match to be postponed. Is that all he is thinking of, when he

  • County's thin blue line gets thinner

    NORTH Yorkshire has the third lowest police cover in the country, according to new figures released today. The county had one officer per 573 residents in September last year. Only Suffolk (578) and West Mercia (574) had worse cover, with the average

  • Power battle over home help charge

    YORK Tories and Liberal Democrats today said they may attempt to reverse swingeing increases in the cost of home help and other services to the elderly. And they promised to explore the possibility of returning Dunnington and Elvington to the catchment

  • Working out your words

    Being a Johnny Foreigner in England is a unique experience. I thought I would have no problems communicating. But then I discovered that you use a whole new set of words which I have finally translated. Anorak: geek, nerd; named after the anorak which

  • £5 ticket launches trains to London

    A MERE £5 is all it will cost to get from York to London by train for a limited period starting next week. The bargain fare has been introduced by Great North Eastern Railway to celebrate the launch of a new leisure service using ultra-modern Eurostar

  • In any language, help's just a call away

    FOREIGN visitors to Yorkshire who need help in an emergency can now speak to an operator in their own language, thanks to an innovative new scheme. Language Line is a telephone interpreting service which can assist the switchboard in dealing with callers

  • Council warns of cars scam

    A HAZARD of car selling is being highlighted by North Yorkshire trading standard officers following a number of complaints. A scam has come to light in which a company promises to put car owners trying to get rid of a motor in touch with a buyer once

  • Early-warning system traps hotel trickster

    AN EARLY-WARNING system set up by hoteliers to tip each other off about tricksters helped to trap a man who had been booking bed-and-breakfast accommodation using false names, a court heard. Harry Ferguson had successfully booked a number of rooms at

  • Mother's anger over sentence on drug dealer

    THE mother of tragic crash victim Clare Smith today condemned a 30-month jail sentence handed down to the man who sold her daughter Ecstasy only hours before her death. Clare, 17, died in a road accident after she and driver Lee Randell took tablets sold

  • York RI complete season unbeaten

    YORK RI ended their York Badminton League Ladies division one season as unbeaten champions with a 6-3 away win over Rowntree. Heather Powell and Joyce Petch totalled 90-25 in scoring three straight wins. Tadcaster Ladies ended their season with an 8-1

  • Duggleby in the frame

    Malton and Norton's Yorkshire golf champion Emma Duggleby went into today's second pre-qualifying round of the English Close Amateur Championship at Hunstanton in joint third place, four strokes behind leader Kim Andrew. Lancastrian Andrew, Duggleby's

  • Preston fracture fears unfounded

    FEARS that York Wasps star Andy Preston had suffered a leg fracture in Sunday's game against Hunslet have been allayed. However, the utility back will definitely miss Friday night's clash with Rochdale Hornets and probably Monday's encounter at Batley

  • Acorn in the final

    YORK Acorn Puss 'n Boots made sure of their place in the final of the Rhodes Haulage Interworks Interworks competition last night by overcoming a spirited Carpenters Arms side 44-12. Acorn made life difficult for themselves with an ill-disciplined display

  • Hoggard is off to a flying start

    Matthew Hoggard struck with the first ball of the match at Headingley today after Yorkshire had won the toss against Zimbabwe and put the Tourists in to bat. Zimbabwe rallied for a while, but went on to lose two further wickets and were struggling on

  • Wasps extend Robinson loan deal

    YORK Wasps' loan ranger Craig Robinson will be staying at Huntington Stadium until the end of the season. The scrum-half's second month on loan from Keighley Cougars was set to end after Friday's home clash with Rochdale Hornets, however both Robinson

  • Jones gives Dolan a boost

    YORK City boss Terry Dolan received a perfectly-timed holiday fillip by revealing player of the year Barry Jones has committed himself to Bootham Crescent. The City chief also insists he still maintains a strong interest in Bradford City's Mark Bower

  • Honours all gong wrong

    A Buckingham Palace investiture - or, to use its more formal title, the royal gong show - must be a traumatic experience. How low do you curtsey? Is 'your royal highness' the right form of address, or will a simple 'ma'am' suffice? What small talk do

  • Taxi tales

    Ever since the days of Madame Bovary - who famously hired a horse-drawn carriage for a tryst with her lover - there's been something a bit special about the back seat of a cab. It's a place where we often famously lose our inhibitions. Given that we're

  • Old and skint, but who really cares

    Stephen Lewis spoke to one elderly York woman about the reality of being a pensioner in Britain - a country that seems to be more uncaring by the day. 'I DON'T want people to think I'm holding out the begging bowl," says Vera Ingle. "I don't consider