MEASURES for cutting potentially deadly pollution in York are to be discussed by council chiefs.

City of York Council’s cabinet will be asked to launch a public consultation on a draft low-emission strategy (LES) after figures showed poor air quality is believed to cause the premature deaths of 158 people in the city each year.

Potential steps for tackling the problem include encouraging people to use electric and hybrid vehicles and providing refuelling and charging points, ensuring areas of the city with the worst air quality can only be accessed by low emission lorries, buses and taxis, supporting firms which make use of green vehicles and ensuring new developments are as environmentally friendly as possible.

The strategy also aims to cement York’s place as a “centre of excellence for low-emission technologies”.

Coun Dave Merrett, cabinet member for city strategy, said: “The number of people who die prematurely in York each year due to poor air quality is more than the estimated combined impact of obesity and road accidents, showing the seriousness of this issue.”

“Poor air quality puts health at risk, creates an unpleasant environment for visitors, may damage historic buildings and places an additional financial burden on local health service providers. It’s crucial we step up our efforts to address this issue.”