IS HOMOPHOBIA still an issue today? Some say that homophobia is a thing of the past, yet 55 per cent of gay teenagers say they have been bullied based on their sexuality at school.

Why are children still being victimised because of their sexual preference?

The only answer must be purely down to the ignorance of some individuals.

I have experienced firsthand the issues faced by gay teenagers and I believe the only way to change prejudices is through education.

The country has taught people to fight against racism and sexism, so why not homophobia?

If the issues surrounding gays and lesbians were brought to the attention of children at a younger age, similar to the way children are educated about different cultures and religions, maybe there wouldn’t the homophobia we see today.

Isn’t it about time we made this change together? A change that will mean our children, gay or straight, can live together without discrimination. I can’t do this on my own and ask readers to sign my petition, helping homosexual children across the UK.

The direct link to the petition is

Adam Wilson, York.