WHILE countries such as the USA, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Britain think about and plan how they might attack Syria with Tomahawk cruise missiles, Germany has adopted a very different policy towards the disaster that is the Syrian civil war. The German Government has agreed to take in 5,000 Syrian refugees from the camps in neighbouring Arab nations, and house them where possible with German families, after a two-week induction course.

Very few of these refugees will be in transit camps, as the intake will cover all the German state regions, and they will be allowed to remain in Germany for up to two years, so they are not classified as asylum seekers.

I very much hope that the Americans, along with their allies, decide against any military intervention or punishment strikes, and instead, begin serious talks and negotiations with the Russians, Iranians, Chinese and the Syrians.

David Quarrie, Lynden Way, Holgate, York.