Older Citizens Advocacy York (OCAY) is currently looking for people to join our board of trustees.

OCAY provides volunteers to advocate on behalf of any older person in the City of York.

Advocacy means speaking up for people who are not able to speak for themselves. Providing support by helping people express their own views and wishes effectively; representing their views; providing them with independent information for making informed choices; and enabling them to achieve their goals.

Our outcomes will include:

• all over-50s in York being able to stand up and speak out on issues which affect them.

• social independence for over-50s.

• social inclusion for over-50s.

• reduction of poverty in over-50s.

Advocacy can help raise awareness of common issues that affect the lives of older people and encourage them to act communally to effect change or improvement.

We can support people to engage in the democratic processes for change and facilitate access to local activities or services.

We believe that all older citizens should have access, if they so wish, to an independent advocate to assist them to achieve these aims.

The current board of trustees is very proactive in keeping in touch with the day to day activities of OCAY, supporting the staff and volunteers as well as organising fund raising events.

We are looking for two further trustees who will bring some new skills, experiences and ideas and thus enhance this quality service for our clients.

We would welcome anyone who is interested in the welfare of older people to come and have an initial chat with the advocacy service manager, Linda Tester.

Please phone us on 01904 676200 or email ocay@btconnect.com Douglas M Craig, Chair of the trustees, Townend Street, York.