I READ with interest the recent article by Mark Stead (Architect’s idea for hostel site, The Press, April 7).

Could the hostel building in Peasholme Green be used to house parties of school children visiting the city?

This would keep the site secure and bring in revenue until more definite plans are made.

I hope the building is not bulldozed, as has been mentioned. In these days of recycling surely some salvaging is possible.

It appears that the City of York Council is able to put out to tender for demolishing the building before the decision to actually demolish it has gone through planning.

Another eyesore like the Barbican baths site, still piles of brick and rubbish where once was a bowling green, should be avoided.

The gents’ toilet building in Parliament Street could be made into a covered area with plenty of seats, making a welcome rest area for shoppers and visitors alike.

Even in bad weather parties of visiting school children are often seen walking around eating because of the lack of seating in the city centre.

To demolish the above two buildings, paid for with public money and built relatively recently, I think about 20 years ago, appears to me a shocking waste.

Mary Broadhead, Newland Park Drive, Hull Road, York.