AS I set off on my trusty bike to cycle down to the village to get my daily paper, fully jacketed, hatted and gloved against the bitter temperatures, I thought that even the most rabid global-warming fanatics must be starting to harbour some doubts about the “iffy” science behind the “man-made global warming” scare-mongering.

Doubtless the global-warming brigade, who have been remarkably quiet recently, will counter this argument by saying “it’s just a blip and we’ll soon be back to the parched, arid, Sahara-like days of e-r-r-r-r, well quite recently!”, as they dig frantically into their memories to try and remember the last Sahara-like summer we enjoyed.

I would counter that particular excuse by saying, “You can’t have it all ways!”.

Planet Earth is possibly getting warmer but, if it is, man’s puny output of CO2 quite probably has no effect whatsoever in the greater scheme-of-things.

The volcano in Iceland is spewing-out around 300,000 tonnes of CO2 every day. Drax power-station, in comparison, produces 62,500 tonnes per day.

Over the last 250 years, man has produced around one part of CO2 in 10,000, in the atmosphere. One volcano can do this in one day.

Phil Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge.