Living in a Victorian terrace street I am used to an endless flow of paper through my door. Most of it just goes straight into my recycling bag, and I give a brief sigh over the waste it represents.

Recently I received the sixth charity shop collecting bag in about ten days. Each of the charities is a worthy cause: Scope, Shelter, the air ambulance, the British Heart Foundation, Martin House and one more that I’ve forgotten.

I haven’t even got the time or inclination to work out which day to put them out unused for collection. I’m not entirely sure that I trust that they will be picked up by the genuine collecting vans if I do put things in them. And of course, I rarely have things to put in more than them anyway.

How sad that there is no co-ordination, and what a waste of plastic bags and distributors’ time.

Jenny Hartland, St Paul’s Terrace, York.