I HAVE written to The Press on a couple of occasions regarding the state of student gardens and one of your correspondents suggested I get a life!

Now, we have seen The Press photograph of Siward Street and its rubbish problems, which surely supports my observations?

Last Saturday, my sister-in-law and I witnessed a young woman carrying unwanted bedding, which was neatly folded, and other goods and dumping them outside the recycling bins at the adjacent supermarket ā€“ adding to a quickly forming pile.

She came out from a house across the road and had the good grace to look somewhat embarrassed ā€“ but carried on regardless.

I have had some experience of rental property which were a nightmare with disappearance of furniture etc, but student lets are different to that Iā€™m sure.

Why cannot owners co-ordinate and hire a skip(s) to alleviate these problems?

Pamela Frankland, Hull Road, Dunnington, York.