WE WOULD like to congratulate the writers of the Lib-Dems’ Clifton Edition Focus, August 2010. Never before has a leaflet been as worthy of recycling as this one. We, as Clifton councillors, have made no end of representation to Coun Steve Galloway with regard to the Water Lane traffic light changes and Westminster Road traffic issues, arranged meetings for residents, and attended scrutiny meetings.

We have worked with residents to understand and help formulate their complaints on this issue and other issues in our ward.

Once again the Lib-Dems have shown that their plans to mislead the public in their publishing of information that doesn’t show a complete picture is testament to the fact that they cannot be trusted. Those residents with whom we have worked and supported know that the obstacle we face is an executive that will not listen, and will bear testament that Labour’s councillors do and have made a difference.

Clifton ward councillors Helen Douglas, Ken King and David Scott, c/o The Guildhall, York.