THOSE who have worked on the construction of road works on the A19 should be thoroughly proud of themselves.

This work has been of a very high standard and at all times they have striven to avoid delaying traffic, as much as they could between the Designer Outlet, Naburn and Escrick.

Everybody involved deserves congratulations.

By contrast, I was disappointed to read (after my return from holiday) of the proposed closure of the sorting office at Leeman Road.

Transporting mail to Leeds from York for it to be returned for distribution in York seems to fly in the face of common sense.

Have we no conscience about the need for local employment and secondly, the need for avoidance of creating further pollution caused by unnecessary transportation?

Over the years, I’ve seen much hard graft in the construction industry and, at the same time, have been well served by Royal Mail postal sorting and delivery staff.

Do we not realise that most of them are so caring that they offer a social service, along with mail delivery?

Time to rethink, I think.

Janet Rowntree, The Dower House, Escrick, York.