I AM in total agreement with Paul Richards as regards the cost of free travel for the over-60s (Letters, October 2).

Many pensioners do not realise just how much it costs for free bus passes and believe its their right to travel free.

We simply cannot afford to carry on like this. I am 60 and claimed my free bus pass, but what is the point of a free bus pass if you do not have a bus service?

I would rather pay half fare and hopefully keep my bus service, especially as I live 12 miles from York, and there is talk already of some services being cut on my route.

If everybody with free bus travel paid one way, then we might be able to afford to run our bus services.

After all, this country is in a terrible mess thanks to the previous Government and we should all be doing our bit.

I can hear all the pensioners complaining and saying it’s our right. But there is no such thing as a free ride, someone has to pay for it: namely the taxpayer.

Mrs JE Cartner, Applegarth Cottages, Linton on Ouse.