“NAVY carriers won’t have jets for a decade” – this item of news should cause us great unrest. Also, not only are these new aircraft-carriers to have no aircraft but our “fleet” aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal is to be scrapped immediately.

The decision to scrap “The Ark” flies in the face of all the protestations from the Government that we must be able to defend ourselves at all times.

Then, as a sop to the Royal Navy and the tiny British ship-building industry, the Government is to press on with two new aircraft-carriers, but without any aircraft. These decisions make Britain the laughing stock of the world.

A Royal Navy going to war, without any form of air-defence for its two aircraft-carriers would rapidly be a Royal Navy minus two aircraft-carriers as they would be the first target for any hostile air-force as happened to HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse on December 10, 1941, when the Japanese Air Force bombed and sank both ships off Singapore.

They had no air cover – no aircraft-carriers to accompany them. Surely this should make the Government realise that aircraft carriers without aircraft are as useless as sending the Trident submarines to sea without any missiles.

Mr Cameron and his bunch of asset-strippers should read up on the history of the Second World War.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge.