IT IS hardly surprising that students are angry when they have been lied to for so long. We all know about Clegg’s recent betrayal, but what about Labour?

In 1997, Tony Blair told a newspaper that he had no plans to introduce tuition fees. As Prime Minister, he brought in fees of £1,000.

Labour’s 2001 manifesto stated that the party would “not introduce top-up fees and have legislated to prevent them”. They then introduced fees of £3,000.

So what about now?

Labour’s policy of a graduate tax would still pass an unacceptable burden on to students. The policy assumes that education is only of value to the person being educated. This is a narrow, utilitarian view.

It is also unfair. Why should those people who studied hard to earn a well paid job pay more tax than those who inherit their wealth, or someone who works in an area with a disproportionate rate of pay, such as investment banking?

The Green Party is the only English party with representation in Parliament which opposes tuition fees in principle.

We support higher education paid for through general taxation. I hope that students will remember this during the local elections in May.

Owen Clayton, Walmgate, York.