WHEN you have bought a house in a nice area and lived there for quite a while with nice neighbours, why should we have to have a rethink? York needs the “article 4 designation” now (The Press, 15 November).

We in Broadway and the surrounding streets also require the designation because we have been degraded by houses of multiple occupation.

Surely the university should supply enough beds and parking for its students, but instead we have cars parked everywhere.

Also, the landlords don’t keep the gardens tidy so it runs the area down; the bins are out some times all week, we have bikes fastened to lampposts and house gates just because there is nowhere to keep them secure.

It is time to do something for the people who live here all year and pay council tax.

We don’t want cars parked outside our houses all week and never moving just because the university charges them too much to park on campus – it’s the university’s problem, not ours.

K Hartley, Broadway York.