In view of the recent cancellations and disruption to services due to bad weather, the Government is proposing to introduce a fine against airport authorities if they fail to keep their airports open.

I would much prefer my flight to be delayed or cancelled rather than an airport official making a risky decision or face a hefty fine.

Where will this stop? Will the Government fine the railway companies for cancellations or late running due to bad weather? Will it fine the highway authorities for failing to keep highways open for the same reason, or will it impose fines on my local council because I am unable to get my car out of my side street or I am unable to walk anywhere because the pavements have not been cleared?

After all of this where does the money go to?

Not to the public who have had their travel plans disrupted; more than likely into the Government’s pocket to help balance the books or provide foreign aid to countries that do not necessarily need it.

AP Cox, Heath Close, Holgate, York.