I HAVE been a regular writer in Readers Letters for some years and I have always accepted any criticism of my views without comment, but I must reply to DM Findley and correct him on two points (Letters, December 17).

In none of my letters have I said that I “do not care about the welfare of residents”.

I have only expressed my right to travel on any public highway that does not have any restrictions placed on it.

I would also like to correct another of his mistakes.

A householder only has control over his property as far as the building line to the front, side and rear of his property; this does not extend to the “centre of the highway”.

If I knew where DM Findley lived I could park my car in front of his house, providing there are no restrictions in place, and there is not a thing, within the law, that DM Findley could do about it.

AP Cox, Heath Close, Holgate, York.