ON FEBRUARY 5, Friargate Quaker Meeting House hosted an event organised by Quaker Centre for European Affairs British Committee on Climate Change and Energy Security.

Friends from across the UK and Eire were treated to a stimulating and thought-provoking day. In a workshop on the European Union (EU) budget, we learned that in the 2007-2009 period alone, the EU contributed in excess of 60 million Euros to the community of York; and at present the EU budget is limited to just 1.13 per cent of member states’ total Gross National Income (about 235 Euros per person).

Now is a critical time in the EU seven-year budget cycle that runs to the end of 2013.

Little well-informed interest was shown in the discussions about the current budget, set in 2005. We have an opportunity now as European citizens to engage in the budget consultation process, ask questions of our MEPs and MPs and show there are citizens who care more about solidarity with our European partners than short-term national interest.

Ginnie Shaw, York Green Party candidate for Clifton Ward.