CITY of York Council has recently published the number of affordable housing completions for 2010/11 at 282.

York residents should, however, be aware that detailed scrutiny of these figures exposes the continued failure of the council’s 50 per cent target policy.

The total affordable homes built by private developers in the year was 87, but, none of these came from the 50 per cent target policy.

A year ago it was disclosed that the policy had only achieved five completions in five years, and that figure remains the same after six years.

This is yet further proof that the council got the policy wrong, and that they ignored the warnings that the targets were unworkable.

The targets are still too high and the absence of planning applications from house builders proves this.

When will the council listen and reduce the target to 15 per cent?

Paul S Cordock, Durlston Drive, Strensall, York.