REGARDING Thursday’s letters page, I would totally endorse the sentiments expressed by G Rudd regarding the unacceptable standards of behaviour which have become not just the weekend norm (irrespective of York Races) on the streets of York and no doubt every other major town and city in the land.

It is only a small step from this dismal surrender of standards to the riots seen in recent weeks.

In another letter, Tom Mitchell took issue with David Quarrie and his seeming allegiance to all things German.

As a regular visitor to Germany, I can only say that culturally they seem to have managed to maintain better standards of manners and general behaviour, advertised by cleaner, litter-free streets and more respect for others.

They also seem to manage very well without Sunday trading and by having only essential HGV vehicles on the road between each Friday night and Monday morning.

As a born-and-bred Yorkshireman, however, I will not be packing my bags anytime soon, preferring to stay in God’s Own Country, despite the best efforts of successive generations of political pygmies who continue to lead the country into a cultural abyss.

Martin Smith, Main Street, Elvington, York.