A PRINTING company near York has asked planners for more time to allow it to complete an expansion of its business which could create 30 new jobs.

York Mailing Ltd, which is based at Elvington Airfield Business Park, won permission in 2008 to create a new production and warehouse building totalling 2,322sqm, but the recession has led to the scheme being mothballed.

The firm has now applied to City of York Council to be given more time to implement the scheme, with the original planning consent set to expire next month.

In a statement submitted to the council, York Mailing’s agents, planning consultants Raymond Barnes, said: “The applicants would have implemented the consent by now had it not been for the economic recession, but are still committed to the proposed expansion.

“A three-year extension would provide the company with the necessary flexibility and confidence.”

The firm has said that, as well as bringing new jobs to the area, the expansion would safeguard the future of its existing workforce.