Oliver Stone’s documentary South Of The Border (15) re-examines the presidency of Hugo Chávez in the Picturehouse Docs screening at City Screen on Monday night.

Stone and his crew found themselves going beyond Venezuela to several other countries, interviewing seven presidents in the region to tell a larger and even more compelling story of a president often portrayed as a bogeyman by the United States media.

In a series of casual conversations, Stone sits down with presidents Chavez, Evo Morales, of Bolivia, Lula da Silva, of Brazil, Cristina Kirchner, of Argentina, Fernando Lugo, of Paraguay, Rafael Correa, of Ecuador, and Raúl Castro, of Cuba.

Monday’s 8.30pm screening is supported by the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, and a post-film discussion will be led by Sam Browse, Student Friends of Venezuela organiser and member of the recent British delegation to Venezuela.