NORTH Yorkshire filmmaker, television producer and director Mark Henderson presents the northern premiere of his award-winning documentary My Kidnapper at St Cutherbert’s Church, Pateley Bridge, on Wednesday night.

Mark was kidnapped by Marxist guerrillas while backpacking in Colombia in 2003. He was held hostage for 102 days in the Sierra Nevada mountains until his release with four Israelis captives and safe arrival home on Christmas Eve.

The following year, he was contacted by one of his jungle captors and this led eventually to his return to Colombia in 2009 to make a film about his experience, meeting up again with two of the National Liberation Army rebels.

The resulting My Kidnapper is soon to be released to selected cinemas and has been shown at documentary film festivals around the world, winning a number of awards.

Mark’s mother, Sharelle, says: “He has decided to present the northern premiere in Pateley Bridge – which must be a first – where he will be available for a question-and-answer session following the screening. Among our memories of those weeks in 2003 is the support we received from the Pateley Bridge community, family and friends.

“We’re often asked how Mark is getting on and what he is up to; this is your opportunity to see some of what he has been doing.”

Tickets for Wednesday’s premiere cost £5 from The Pateley Pharmacy or on the door.

Alternatively, phone 01423 712157 or email to reserve seats. Proceeds from the 7.30pm event will go to the Children Of The Andes Charity, which Mark and his co-producer, Kate Horne, have been supporting.

Please note, the film includes strong language so is not suitable for children.