Ray Winstone has admitted he has signed up to some bad movies "to pay the rent".

Since the success of Sexy Beast in 2000, the 57-year-old British actor has had a prolific Hollywood career, with films including Cold Mountain, Martin Scorsese's The Departed, Beowulf and new blockbuster Noah. And he has also continued his work in British independent cinema, in films such as Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll and 44 Inch Chest.

Ray said: "If it's a great script you don't want to say no because they're very far and few between. I've been lucky to work on a lot of films that I consider good scripts, me personally.

"I've also worked on films that I've had to do because I've had to pay the rent.

"But that's part of the game and then you work on them and try and make them better films, with help from the director and the people you're working with. But it doesn't always work out that way.

"So when a great script comes along, that you consider to be a great script you want to do it."

The actor still has two more films due out this year, but in the meantime is planning to take some time off.

He said: "I've got no choice at the moment because I'm unemployed. So I'm going to take a bit of time off and go on holiday with the kids and get lazy! Get really nice and lazy.

"I think as you get older you like a bit of sun, go somewhere really natural and nice and beautiful."