DIRECTOR Jim Welsman has secured the British premiere of the American musical Seasons for the first York New Musical Festival this summer.

“I made contact with several American composers, and when I heard Seasons, I knew it would be ideal for the festival,” says Jim.

“Knowing that York musical theatre producer and director Robert Readman had similar musical tastes to mine, I invited him to contact the composers, Elaine Pechacek and Katie Hammond, and within a very short time it was agreed that Robert’s company, Pick Me Up Theatre, would put on the production.”

Directed by Robert, with Barbara Chan as his musical director, the premiere will be staged on July 25 and 26 at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre, York, Presenting Seasons this summer will be the second time that Jim has secured a British premiere, the previous debut being York Musical Theatre Company’s production of Titanic The Musical in May 2004.

“Seasons is an original musical, which delves into the lives of two relationships that are suddenly changed forever,” he says.

Former classmates Helen and Peter reconnect with one another at a high-school reunion, leading to an unexpected pregnancy, while mother and daughter Mrs Jones and Hope are grappling with an unwelcome diagnosis that tears their lives apart.

“Writer-composers Elaine Pechacek and Katie Hammond explore the characters with humour and realism, which will leave the audience wanting more until the bitter end,” says Jim.

• The York New Musical Festival will run from July 21 to 31 at the Rowntree Theatre. Tickets will be on sale soon from the York Theatre Royal box office, 01904 623568, or online at