THE new term of weekly sessions for York Theatre Royal’s Youth Theatre starts on Monday. Places are filling up fast but spaces remain available in the 14 to 16 and 16 to 18 age groups.

Each youth theatre group has the opportunity to perform at least once a year, either in the Theatre Royal’s main house, studio theatre or in another venue.

In the wake of such shows as My Own Private Purgatory and Animal Farm, the 14 to 16 age group took part in the first CSI: York festival of crime-related drama last month, performing at Friargate Theatre.

Anyone interested in signing up for the new term should phone the education team on 01904 550154 or email

Those who attend will develop their theatre skills, have a chance to visit a professional production at the theatre each term and take part in workshops run by professionals. The youth theatre has strong connections with other groups, allowing for possible exchange programmes, and in the past these have included trips to Poland, Pakistan and Malaysia.

“So if this sounds of interest to you, why not become involved with York Theatre Royal’s Youth Theatre?” says director Kate Plumb.