EIGHT members of York Theatre Royal’s Youth Theatre have flown to Estonia to take part in a scheme to create a new devised piece of theatre.

The youth theatre is working with Theatre Royal company-in-residence Pilot Theatre on its Platform 11+ project, which aims to bring 12 European countries together to “make new and exciting theatre for and with young people”.

The project is a three-year programme that already has enabled Pilot Theatre to work with a theatre company in Italy and to perform in Portugal earlier this year.

In tandem with three schools from Estonia, Croatia and Slovenia, the 14 to 25 year olds from York will work with an English writer and an Estonian director on a show to be performed in the National Library in Tallinn at the end of the week.

Among those travelling to Estonia is stalwart youth theatre member Ellie Taylor, who is studying for her Gold Arts Award. She is using the trip as part of her award, filming a documentary on the creative process.

“For me it’s a cornerstone in my work as a theatre practitioner and will allow me to bring all of my knowledge I’ve gained through youth theatre and try a new project through filming,” says 20-year-old Ellie.

Kate Plumb, the Theatre Royal’s youth theatre director, is accompanying the group. “It’s a great chance to learn about another culture and is a rare opportunity for our youth theatre to work with three other countries in devising theatre,” she says.

For more information, visit platform11plus.ning.com

Youth theatre members are posting blogs from Estonia at tallinn2010.posterous.com

• Did you know?

Libraries link three shows with a York Theatre Royal connection. The Theatre Royal and Pilot Theatre’s Platform 11+ show will be staged in the National Library in Tallinn; Belt Up Theatre and the Theatre Royal Young Actors Company are performing Elsewhere at York Explore, Central Library, York, nightly at 9pm until Saturday; and part of York Theatre Royal Youth Theatre’s production of In My Father’s House at Fairfax House, York, on November 3, 4 and 6, will take place in a library.