A DOCTOR who abused his position by asking women patients out for a drink has been banned from practising for five months.

Dr Stefan Nicholas Klein, 38, invited two young, vulnerable, recently-treated patients on dates while working as a GP in North Yorkshire in 2010.

One of the patients was only 18 when the medic passed her a scrap of paper with his personal number scrawled on it in the Escrick Surgery car park, in York.

He then asked her out on a date before leaning into her car to put a “bravery sticker” on her chest.

The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service heard that the woman, referred to as Patient A, was upset after exposing her body to a doctor who then betrayed her trust.

The other patient was 24 and had requested an abortion and split up with her boyfriend while she was being treated by Dr Klein at the Posterngate Surgery, in Selby.

The tribunal heard he bombarded her with texts using his intimate knowledge gained through consultations to make conversation.

Panel chair Dr George Lodge said: “The public has a right to expect that a doctor will behave in an appropriate and professional manner and not abuse the position of trust he has as a doctor.

“Dr Klein’s behaviour, in relation to each of these patients, fell far short of these standards.

“His behaviour was compounded by the fact that he knew that both patients were vulnerable.

“The panel concluded that Dr Klein’s behaviour would be regarded as deplorable by fellow practitioners and was sufficiently serious to amount to misconduct.”

Dr Klein said he had reflected on his actions and on the importance of maintaining boundaries to ensure that such behaviour is not repeated.

The panel decided there was no evidence of repetition but thought it necessary to send out a signal.

They said: “There is also a public interest in retaining a competent and useful doctor who can make a valuable contribution to medicine in the future.

“The evidence before the panel in the testimonials is that Dr Klein is an otherwise good doctor.”

The suspension is effective immediately and Dr Klein will have to attend a review hearing before it expires.