THREE former student union DJs are dusting off their decks for a charity comeback gig.

Matt Dunne, Iain Craigen and Jamie Buckling were regular DJs during the mid 1990s while studying at York St John University, but largely abandoned their turntables after graduating.

However, when Mr Craigen was diagnosed with prostate cancer, the trio decided to come out of retirement for a fundraiser on their old stomping ground.

They will be performing again from 7pm to 11pm on Friday, April 15 and hope the retro night will pull in the punters.

Mr Dunne, 38, who still lives in York, said: "Iain carried on here and there until about 2004. He was quite good, so he did some clubs. Once Jamie and I left, that was it for us.

"We always talked about a comeback, but when Iain got ill, we said when he recovers it would be good to do something for Prostate Cancer UK."

Mr Craigen, 40 and Mr Buckling, 39, will be travelling up from Sussex and Hertfordshire respectively for the gig.

"We were in the same halls and were mates from almost the first day," said Mr Dunne.

"Myself and Jamie lived in a house together as well.

"When Iain became ill, it was a bit of a shock.To get prostate cancer at 37 is almost unheard of.

"He has now had the all clear, which is great. He still has to have some after care, but he is officially in remission."

The trio hope their gig will provide something for everyone.

Mr Dunne said: "I will be doing some Indie and Britpop, Jamie will do hip-hop and Iain will play house music.

"There will also be some cheesy tunes at the end."

The gig will be one of the last in the current student union building, which closes at the end of the academic year before a new venue opens in September.

"It's quite nice that some of the old hands are returning to give it a decent send-off," said Mr Dunne.

Tickets cost £3, with all money going to the charity, and are available from the York St John student union on Lord Mayor's Walk.

Anyone wishing to donate should visit