PLANS to build eight new homes are set to be approved - despite neighbours saying the houses will be “crammed” on to the 980-square-metre site.

The new terrace of 'upside down' houses would be built near York city centre.

A planning application has been submitted for the family homes to be constructed off Lawrence Street, on the site currently occupied by WLD Textiles at the end of Lansdowne Terrace.

The design of the houses puts the living rooms on the first floor, looking out on to garden decks.

Bedrooms would be on the ground floor and parking spaces hidden underneath the gardens.

The scheme is set to be approved at a planning meeting on Thursday at West Offices at 4.30pm.

A report prepared for the committee says eight letters objecting to the plans have been lodged - and two in support of the scheme.

One neighbour said: "The proposals will not provide good quality family accommodation.

"When car parking spaces are included in the site, the site is very cramped.

"This proposal appears to be a good example of town cramming."

Concerns were also raised about resident's privacy and how much natural light would get into the rooms.

But another neighbour wrote in support of the scheme, saying: "Its time for something new.

"A new development means less noise, less traffic, and less pollution.

"The terrace street is a dead end, and not big enough for a busy hardware furniture warehouse."

If the plans get the go-ahead, the existing WLD Textiles Granville Works would be demolished to make way for the new homes.

The council report says: "The dwellings to be provided will provide an appropriate density for this location, and provide family-sized homes to meet demand.

"The site is previously developed land, sustainably located close to the city centre and a high frequency public transport corridor. The loss of the employment land is on balance acceptable."