FIRST it banned music in its pubs, then bank cards, mobile phones and swearing - now a brewery has gone a step further by barring children.

Signs banning kids have been posted outside a Samuel Smith's Brewery pub in Tockwith and outside at least two of its pubs in York.

The sign at the Boot & Shoe in Tockwith says there is a temporary ban on children inside the pub, and they are only allowed in the beer garden, where they must be seated at a table and not running around.

Children must be accompanied by an adult when going to the toilet, and all children have to be off the premises by 8pm.

The sign adds: "We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused."

The Kings Arms, the iconic riverside pub on Kings Staith, York, has a briefer sign posted in the doorway, stating:"Notice. No children allowed inside this pub. Thank you."

The Burns Hotel in Market Street, formerly the Hansom Cab, has a similar sign saying: "Notice. Children not allowed inside the pub." There is also a notice warning that dogs are not allowed inside either.


A member of staff at the Wellington Inn in Alma Terrace, off Fulford Road, said it too had brought in the ban in line with a relatively new company policy.

The Tockwith pub has a montage of other notices in its window, warning for example of a zero tolerance policy over swearing, and a ban on mobile phones, Ipads, laptops and tablets.

This notice says: "The ban includes sending or receiving texts, taking or viewing photographs, emailing, using games, apps, Google, Facebook, Messenger etc etc.

"We want our pub to be a haven for social conversation."

The rules have been slated by some on social media, with one saying: "Seems like they've got everything covered there, except maybe a no breathing policy. I love Sam Smiths beer but fail to understand why they want to treat their customers like primary school children?"

Others have suggested the rules are fair, with one writing: "Seems fairly reasonable to me."

The Tadcaster brewery, which does not comment to the media, appeared to be relaxing another of its rules only recently.

The Press reported in December that several of its pubs in York had quietly abandoned a ban on customers using their bank cards to pay for drink and food.

This policy had been maintained even in 2020, as businesses across the country were urging customers to make contactless payments amid concerns that banknotes could help spread Covid.

The cash-only rule proved difficult for some licensees, particularly in village pubs where there was no cashpoint nearby from which customers could obtain money

Late last year, at least three Sam Smith's pubs in York had started accepting card payments as well as cash.