After years of stories about the blue badge ban fiasco in our city, surely everyone knows the full details by now.

Which makes it even more bizarre that York Outer residents received a letter from their outgoing MP Julian Sturdy claiming he ‘restored blue badge access to York city centre’.

He didn’t claim to support the campaign, or even to share their success, but tried to take the credit - despite the years of tireless effort from disability campaigners in York that made blue badge access possible again.

Let alone the fact that Labour MP Rachael Maskell and candidates Alison Hume and Luke Charters did more to support the campaign than him and it was our Labour council that made it a core campaign pledge and implemented the reversal.

It’s not hard to remember these events, since the reversal only happened in the last few months.

Does Julian really have so few achievements from 14 years in office that he thinks stealing a famous success story from local activists is the best way to entice residents to vote for him?

Jason Rose, Front Street, Acomb


Police’s Raynor inquiry was ‘cosmetic’

The outcome of the police inquiry into Angela Raynor’s domestic arrangements suggests the investigation was somewhat cosmetic, when they claim to be more informed than immediate neighbours who have witnessed events first hand for years.

I am reminded of the drinks party in Durham caught on camera held by senior Labour party officials during covid, which was also determined by the constabulary to be within the law.

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby