THIS is the latest vision of how York’s new council headquarters might look.

The future home of City of York Council will be developed in West Offices, on the site of York’s former station, in Station Rise – and these computer-generated images show how it is intended to slot into the skyline.

The site was chosen as the preferred location for the authority’s HQ in December – ahead of insurance giant Aviva’s Yorkshire House offices – and work could begin towards the end of the year, subject to contracts being rubber-stamped, the staging of a public consultation exercise and planning permission being granted.

These images show how the building might be seen from a neighbouring stretch of the Bar Walls, as well as giving a close-up look of its potential appearance.

The council chose to transform an existing building into its HQ after abandoning controversial plans for a purpose-built base at Hungate, and says the West Offices scheme would still be delivered within the original £43.8 million budget.

The project has been devised by the building’s freeholders, York Investors LLP, which comprises Buccleuch Property and York-based S Harrison Developments Ltd, with local architects CSP leading the design work.