Schoolgirls across York are taking part in an innovative Cycling City York project aimed at breaking down the barriers that prevent them from cycling.

Project bosses hope the scheme will show girls that cycling is “cool, fun and stylish”.

Vicki Hill, Bike It events officer for green transport charity Sustrans, is running the sessions with the support of some of Cycling City York’s female cycle trainers and staff from the Lush cosmetics store in York.

Girls from both primary and secondary schools will take part in three sessions, covering everything from the health and fitness benefits of cycling to how to look cool and stay safe. They will receive free ethical beauty product goody bags and take part in natural beauty sessions, as well as learning basic bike maintenance, receiving a cycle training booster and designing their own cycle routes for a guided bike ride into the city centre.

Each participant will be given the chance to design a T-shirt to promote cycling among young girls, and the winning design will be produced and modelled by the girls when the project ends.