VISITORS to York Hospital are being warned that an entrance to the site from Wigginton Road is to be permanently closed to traffic from today.

The closure is part of construction work on a two-level car park at the site, and hospital bosses have asked for patience from visitors.

A spokesperson said: “From today, the existing entry road to the hospital will be closed.

“From this point, all vehicles (except emergency vehicles) will enter and exit using the roundabout at the front of the hospital.

“Emergency vehicles will enter and exit using the newly-opened, dedicated route that goes direct from Wigginton Road to the emergency department.”

Patrick Crowley, chief executive of York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Some disruption is unfortunately inevitable with a project of this scale, but the benefit to patients and visitors will make this worthwhile.

“I appreciate everyone’s patience while this work is under way.”

Mr Crowley said: “I am delighted that the construction of the car park has now begun. This new facility will improve parking for patients and visitors and will increase the number of available spaces.”

The new car park, when finished, will also feature a new payment system with visitors being charged on exit.

During the building work, the hospital has asked visitors to follow the instructions of car park staff or, if possible, find an alternative means of transport. The hospital also recommends coming to the site during the later, and less busy, visiting period from 6.30pm and 8pm.

The preparatory work phase of the build is now completed and construction of the new facility is expected to take 43 weeks with an expected opening date of spring next year.

The construction work caused long queues of traffic in Wigginton Road earlier this year when it clashed with the closure of Gillygate. Drivers reported being stuck in the car park for up to two hours.