PLANS to bring the world-famous Mystery Plays back to York’s Museum Gardens have been hailed by tourism chiefs – and a former Lord Mayor who helped stage the plays there in the past.

The Press revealed yesterday how the York Museums Trust, which is responsible for the gardens, and York Theatre Royal, are jointly investigating the feasibility of mounting a major production in 2012.

The plays used to be staged every four years in the ruins of St Mary’s Abbey, but have not been held there since 1988.

Gillian Cruddas, chief executive of Visit York, said today that the return of the Plays to their traditional home would attract interest from around the world.

“We’d be delighted to see this happen,” she said. “This, combined with the successful performances by the Guilds of York and the wagon play productions which take place this July, will put York’s Mystery Plays firmly in the public spotlight.”

Her comments were echoed by former Lord Mayor and honorary alderman Keith Wood, who was vice-chairman and then chairman of the York Festival Board in 1980 and 1984 respectively, with responsibility for the Plays.

He was also involved with stage lighting in the 1960s, and in 2003 became a leading supporter of a campaign by The Press to get the Plays staged again.

Mr Wood said he was delighted to hear they might now return.

He said: “There’s nothing like the Gardens to show the plays at their best.

“It was a wonderful setting on a clear, still evening, as the light slowly faded and the suspense built on stage.”