RESIDENTS in York are about to get their first look at the city’s transformed “world-class” main library.

The array of facilities at the new York Explore Library Learning Centre, in Museum Street, will be unveiled next Monday, following the opening of similar centres in Acomb and New Earswick.

Set up through £540,000 of combined funding from City of York Council and insurance firm Aviva, the centre, which replaces the former central library, will boast 20,000 more books, wi-fi internet access, modern learning rooms, a café with chill-out areas, facilities for disabled customers and self-service machines.

“I expect everybody who walks through the foyer will be amazed at the transformation,” said Fiona Williams, the council’s head of libraries and heritage and president of the Society of Chief Librarians.

York’s two existing Explore centres have seen their usage figures double since they opened.

Coun Nigel Ayre, the council’s executive member for leisure, culture and social inclusion, said: “The facility is now a highly-advanced, world-class library which everybody in York will be able to benefit from and enjoy.” More information is available at

Because of the expected high demand for returning items borrowed before the library closed last October, customers bringing them back late will not be charged until the week beginning June 28.