SIGNALLER Faye Tanner will be 21 twice this year – once in Afghanistan and once in York.

The signaller had little time to celebrate her actual birthday because she spent her big day on the frontline in the Task Force Helmand headquarters, in Lashkar Gah.

The communications systems operator with 14 Signal Regiment is on active service with 4th Mechanized Brigade and was monitoring radios and IT equipment in a busy operations room as she turned 21 instead of partying.

“Most people celebrate their 21st birthdays in style, but the lads did get me a big pink cake,” she said.

After her military celebration, she plans to have a civil birthday party when she returns home to York in September.

Her family sent her presents and cards through the British Forces Post Office together with an England hat to wear during the World Cup.

And she has no regrets about having to split her birthday celebrations. “I joined the Army in 2006 because I wanted to travel around the world and experience new things,” she said.