A YOUNG woman was beaten up by two men trying to steal birds of prey at a falconry centre.

Claire Robson, 21, said she feared for her life when she was attacked at Minster Falconry, Sutton-on-the-Forest, on Sunday at 10.30am.

She said if it had not been for the centre’s two dogs her injuries could have been a lot worse.

Claire said: “I heard the chain rattle on the gate, which was odd as nobody was supposed to be here, and I saw two men come through the gate.

“One said something and hit me in my face. The dogs then ran over and the second guy hit me in my side. It was the dogs that saved the day, as they were going mental and caused them to run off.”

Claire suffered a cut lip and bruising in the attack.

She said: “The first thing that went through my mind was to get the dogs as I knew they would protect me, but I feared for my life as I didn’t know what they were going to do to me.”

Her boss, Andrew Fawcett, joint owner of the falconry centre, which is based at Sutton Park, said: “They are cowards. Anyone who can attack a 21-year-old girl, well, there is something wrong. They need to be sorted.”

It is thought the two men intended to steal some of the falcons. The centre has 35 birds, worth a total of £50,000. Species range from buzzards, Harris hawks, falcons and various types of owl.

But Andrew said: “How do you put a value on them? When they are hand-reared they are your babies and you can’t put a value on them.”

There is also a suggestion that Claire’s attackers may have been animal rights activists, as there was an accusation on an online forum recently that the birds were not kept properly.

But Andrew dismissed that, saying the centre was regularly visited by vets and other animal welfare professionals. In addition, all the birds were bred in captivity so not suitable for release into the wild.

But he said the centre has been plagued with three break-ins in the last 12 months. After one burglary a Harris hawk was found with its neck broken, other birds had been shot and an African spotted eagle owl was stolen.

That bird was later taken to a local veterinary practice as its leg, which had a ring on it, had been chopped off.

But the centre has now had CCTV fitted and signs have been put up warning people that the two dogs – labrador and collie crosses – will now be roaming free in the grounds when the centre is closed. Police are investigating and anyone with information is asked to phone 0845 6060247.