COUNCIL finance chiefs in York have revealed the revamp of the city’s main library is expected to spill over its budget by £30,000.

Additional building costs and a higher-than-expected bill for fitting out the new Explore York centre in Museum Street have led to the likely overspend, according to figures which will go before City of York Council’s ruling executive next week.

The facility, which followed a refurbishment of the former York Central Library, opened in May and was dubbed a “world-class” centre, with the council and insurance giant Aviva teaming up to provide £540,000 in combined funding for the transformation.

York Explore now boasts 20,000 more books than its predecessor, as well as wi-fi internet access, modern learning rooms, a café with chill-out areas, self-service machines and enhanced facilities for disabled users.

But a report which will go before next week’s executive meeting, compiled by the council’s principal accountant Ross Brown and technical finance manager Louise Branford-White, said: “The newly-refurbished York Explore Library Learning Centre opened on May 24, with positive coverage and good feedback from early visitors.

“The final valuation is currently being negotiated with the contractor, but an overspend of approximately £10,000 on the main build work is predicted.

“In addition, some of the furniture and equipment costs have exceeded budget, with a total predicted overspend on the whole project of approximately £30,000 now expected. The £30,000 will need to be funded from council resources.”