A TODDLER from North Yorkshire has been reunited with her beloved pet terrier after a mysterious dog-napping incident.

As The Press reported last week, Wookie the Yorkshire terrier was bundled into a car outside the home of two-year-old Katie Wilson and her family in Farndale last week.

Katie was left devastated after a woman motorist made off with Wookie in her car after claiming that she had almost run over the seven-year-old terrier.

But over the weekend, he was found tied to a gate at the RSPCA shelter in York.

Katie’s mother, Alison, said she had received a call from a youth in York who said the woman who took Wookie was one of his friends.

Alison said: “He had seen the media appeal and it really pricked his conscience, so he ordered her to return it to the nearest dog centre.

“I am absolutely overjoyed to have him back.

“We thought we’d never see him again.

“Our family was missing a huge part without him. Katie loves him and they have a kiss and a cuddle.”