YORK primary school children are to get a sneak preview of some of the attractions in store at the city’s festival of cycling.

Pupils of Knavesmire School are being given a preview of some of the exciting activities planned for Cycle City York’s second annual festival, which is to take place in Rowntree Park this weekend.

Tomorrow afternoon, pupils and their parents will have the opportunity to experience a wide variety of exciting and unusual cycles as part of a try out event, similar to those which will be taking place as part of the festival.

There will be about 20 different bikes for the children to have a go on.

These include the side-by-side tandem buddy bike and a red four-seater quadricycle. In addition, there will also be more practical family options for parents to try, such as bicycles with child trailers attached.

The Festival of Cycling offers a range of cycle-related activities to interest cyclists of all ages and abilities.

Among these will be daredevil performances by a top bicycle stunt display team, a pedal-powered Scalextric racing game, a “Try-out Zone” and a BMX Jam for local riders to compete in.

There will also be several guided cycle rides setting off from the park throughout the weekend, as well as a series of themed bike sessions for children under six, teenagers, families, girls only and people with special needs.

A number of local retailers, cycle groups and organisations will have stands in the exhibitor village throughout the weekend, giving the opportunity for cyclists to obtain advice on basic care, repairs and maintenance. The event is free of charge and last year attracted almost 10,000 visitors.