GHANAIAN health officials were welcomed by the Lord Mayor of York as part of a link with one of the city’s surgeries.

Dr Christian Nyarko Aduama, who is director of health services in the Fanteakwa district of Ghana and colleagues were greeted by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Sue Galloway and Dr Cath Snape from Gillygate Health Clinic.

The visit comes as part of a link forged between the York practice and Ghana health, which enables them to share ideas and educate on a variety of services, including midwifery and infection control.

Dr Snape said: “We had a fascinating exchange of ideas and learned a lot from each other. They have been taught management and midwifery skills, while we have learnt a lot from them with regards to health education in the community.” The link between the two practices was established in 2007, with regular visits made to Ghana by doctors from the Gillygate clinic.