A NEW hotel is being planned for Walmgate in York bringing up to 40 permanent new jobs and a boost to tourism.

York-based developers S Harrison Developments Ltd have teamed up with Sojourn Hotels LLP to create a new three-storey hotel at numbers 88-96.

Infinity, a motorcycle clothing and accessory store which is currently on the site, would re-locate to new premises.

A spokesman said the hotel would be in the “mid to upper range,” with 102 bedrooms and a restaurant and bar facilities at ground-floor level, but no parking would be supplied.

The proposed investment was welcomed by Gillian Cruddas, chief executive of the tourism organisation, Visit York. She said it was important for York to attract new businesses. “This always has to be looked at, however, in the context of the overall benefit for York and of course is subject to planning consent. We look forward to receiving more details about the plans shortly.”

The spokesman said Harrison had already been involved in regeneration projects in the Walmgate area with new halls of residence for York St John University students at Percy’s Lane and Gray’s Wharf.

He said the company was planning to consult with neighbours and local area representatives before submitting a planning application to City of York Council later this year.

Design manager Chris Hale said: “Once again, we have teamed up with award-winning York architects Crease Strickland Parkins to come up with a design which we are confident will enhance the streetscape in Walmgate. “We’re proposing to use traditional materials, bricks and pantiles to respect the conservation area in which the hotel will be located.”

He said an open consultation event was being planned at the nearby National Centre for Early Music on Thursday, between 2pm and 7pm.

“We will be leafleting all neighbours encouraging as many people as possible to attend. We will be asking them to provide feedback on our proposals by October 1, before we submit our planning application later this year.”

It is only the latest in a series of new hotels to be proposed or built in York. The city’s first five-star hotel, Cedar Court Grand, opened in May, and plans for a six-storey, 120-bedroom hotel in Toft Green, next to the planned new City of York Council headquarters, were announced in January. Another scheme, for a 26-bed hotel in St Maurice’s Road, was shelved earlier this week following criticism from conservationists.