DOZENS of notorious criminals have been arrested by a new policing team set up to target York’s “most wanted”.

Wanted burglars, thieves and drug-dealers are among those arrested by the crime reduction task force since it was introduced by the North Yorkshire Police Safer Neighbourhood Command Unit last month.

Inspector Phil Cain, the new chief for York South, said the team was designed to target criminals who repeatedly commit offences.

He said there had been a slight rise in crime in York this year. In response, the police set up the team of “highly motivated and skilled officers” to target known criminals who caused the “most pain” in the community.

Insp Cain said: “What I wanted to do is to have a team known to the criminal fraternity – for them to know that this team is in place, watching them.

“It is clearly working. We are making known criminals nervous.”

The team has been active for seven weeks and executed dozens of warrants, seized criminal assets and arrested 38 criminals for offences including robbery, drugs, burglaries, cycle theft and vehicle theft.

They include:

• An offender on the police’s most-wanted list who was arrested, charged and remanded for five offences

• A drug dealer who was peddling cannabis and amphetamines

• A cycle thief

• A prolific criminal wanted for assault.

Insp Cain said: “We have still got the ability to pack a punch, even with financial cuts looming. I don’t want any criminals in York to feel because of funding cuts they are going to get an easy time – they are not.”