AN INSPIRATIONAL mother has lost her fight with breast cancer only three weeks after marrying her fiancé in a fairytale wedding.

Charelle Neale, 33, and her husband Matt, of Acomb, York, tied the knot on September 11, knowing they would only enjoy a few weeks of married life together.

Seven days later Charelle was admitted to St Leonard’s Hospice, and she died last Friday, with Matt at her side.

Charelle, who was diagnosed with the disease in March, leaves behind two children – Georgia, eight, and Cameron, 12.

Matt, 36, said: “Marrying Charelle made me the happiest man in the world. She was the rock of my life. She was amazing. You look for somebody all your life until you find somebody and then I found Charelle. She made me complete. Charelle changed me. She made me a better person. I started going to church with her and I’m a Christian now.”

Matt, a structural engineer, met Charelle nearly four years ago through a social networking website. He told The Press of their final moments together.

“I put my head on the pillow, touching her head, and looked into her eyes. I told her I loved her and then she had her last breath. She’s not in pain any more, she’s at peace. She has shown people how strong you can be. She had ten months of pain and she just battled through it and kept smiling. She was an inspiration.”

Matt, who has been embroiled in a legal fight with the Latvian courts since 2008, when he was accused of attacking a police officer in a bar scuffle in Riga, said Charelle had supported him throughout. He was acquitted following a trial last year, but an appeal was launched by the prosecution and he must return to Latvia later this month for the hearing.

He said: “Even when I was in prison in Latvia for ten weeks, Charelle stuck by me and helped me through it because she knew I didn’t do anything. I couldn’t have gone through it all without her.”

Charelle’s best friend, Mel Hope, paid further tributes, describing her as “fun, vibrant and mad”.

She said: “She said I want my kids to be proud of me and I totally believe they will be. She was just amazing. Our loss is heaven’s gain.”

A funeral service for Charelle, a former Millthorpe School student who worked as an administrator at Manor School, will be held on Friday, October 15, at Global Church, in Acomb, followed by drinks at The Ainsty, in Boroughbridge Road.