RESIDENTS in two York communities will next week have the chance to gain advice on what they need to do to prepare for the digital TV switchover.

A representative from Eaga, the company managing the move on behalf of the BBC, will be attending City of York Council’s Huntington and New Earswick ward committee to explain how people will be affected.

The switchover is expected to take place during 2012 in York, and there will be an opportunity for residents to ask any questions they might have about the process.

York councillor Keith Orrell said: “Technology has moved on quite substantially over the past few years and there are now a wide range of options available for viewing digital television. These can be quite complex, so we were keen to invite somebody along to the ward committee to answer people’s questions.”

The meeting starts at 7.30pm on Tuesday at New Earswick Bowls Club, and will also feature a discussion of ward committee funding for next year and a presentation from the local Safer Neighbourhood Team.