PLANS to move York's annual ice rink to the Designer Outlet faces one final hurdle this Thursday (oct 21), when licensing chiefs consider objections from local residents.

Lunchbox Theatrical Productions has already won planning permission last week from City of York Council to re-locate the Christmas rink from its traditional home in the Eye of York to the outlet at Fulford.

But it now needs a separate premises licence from the same authority's licensing committee, and a report to the hearing says Fulford Parish Council has objected, claiming it would severely compromise the amenity of residents in nearby Naburn Lane and Fulford Court.

It says there would be continuous live or recorded music throughout the day and evening, seven days a week, for a total of eight and a half weeks.

It also claims the sale of alcohol could be considered 'inappropriate' in proximity to a public ice rink, adding: “The York Designer Outlet was designed as a retail outlet and not as an entertainment centre.”

A resident from Naburn Lane has written to say she moved there about 30 years ago to live somewhere quiet and secluded, but over the past ten to 15 years the peace and quiet had been slowly eroded with the building of the Designer Outlet and the Park & Ride site, which have resulted in increased traffic and associated noise from car park cleaning vehicles, delivery lorries and shouting youngsters gathering in the car park.

They said: “We the residents have been very tolerant of the situation over the years but cannot be expected to put up with any more nuisance.”

The report says that if a licence is granted, no music or amplified sound should be audible on the public footpath outside the nearest residential premises on Naburn Lane, and documented patrols would be carried out by members of staff or volunteers at no less than hourly intervals whilst it is being played.

Lunchbox decided to move to the outlet after losing a campaign to remain in the Eye of York, following strong objections from officials at nearby York Crown Court.