FASTER internet links could be around the corner for homes and businesses across York as a technology firm focuses its sights on the city.

The BT Group’s Openreach network is looking to install a string of broadband cabinets in various areas across the city which are aimed at providing swifter access to the net.

The company has submitted more than 20 planning applications to City of York Council for the boxes, which would be placed in streets and contain electronic communications equipment designed to enable high-speed connections in the areas where they are sited.

If the bid succeeds, five of the cabinets would be placed in Clifton and another five in Fulford, with others being planned for Park Grove, Bootham, Stonebow, Nunnery Lane, The Mount, Clementhorpe and Skeldergate.

The Openreach move comes after the council revealed earlier this year it was looking to strike a deal with Fibrecity Holdings to explore whether the most up-to-date broadband, telephone and TV technology could be brought to York.

Council leader Coun Andrew Waller said: “BT is clearly more interested in York than it was, and our own economic development team has been looking at how to maximise connections to parts of the city which are not as well-served as others.

“We have upgraded connections to our own buildings as well as schools, and that means they now have better broadband links than many businesses in York.

“I have asked to meet with BT to look at how we can achieve the objective of connecting the whole city to fast broadband access.

“That is what we need for the future of the economy. Fibrecity Holdings have done work with our buildings and now we are looking to see how we can tap into those connections.”

Openreach is aiming to speed up broadband connections to 46,000 homes in York and Harrogate as part of the latest roll-out of the access scheme, with decisions on its raft of planning applications for York expected to be made before the end of the year.