A FORMER Afghan cabinet minister and York student will talk about Afghanistan’s progress towards recovery and reconstruction in a lecture at the University of York tonight.

Mohammed Haneef Atmar, who was Minister of the Interior in President Karzai’s cabinet until June, will also explore the barriers facing stabilisation and reconstruction in Afghanistan and suggest recommendations for future action.

The lecture comes three days after NATO announced a timetable for withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

Mr Atmar, who was one of the first people to study the university’s MA in post-war recovery studies in York in 1996, started his career as an aid worker with Norwegian Church Aid and, in 2002, was invited to join the Transitional Administration in Afghanistan.

He has also been Minister of Rural Rehabilitation and Development and Minister of Education.

The free event at 6.45pm must be booked by visiting york.ac.uk/tickets or phoning 01904 322622.